A collection of projects and research focusing on spatial / intangible interfaces for virtual reality.
Category: news & technology
Links: Tangible Interfaces
A collection of projects and research focusing on tangible interfaces for virtual reality. Continue reading Links: Tangible Interfaces
English: Parallel Worlds – Virtual Reality in Art and Museum
Pre-Release from the magazine: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – A publication of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Design College, in Cooperation with DASA. „Crossmedia and the future of Scenography“. Lead by: Prof. Lars Harmsen and Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Released: January 2019 Continue reading English: Parallel Worlds – Virtual Reality in Art and Museum
German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten
Vorveröffentlichung aus dem Magazin: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – Publikation der Fachhochschule Dortmund, FB DESIGN, in Kooperation mit der DASA. Themenschwerpunkt „Crossmedia und die Zukunft der Szenografie“. Unter der Leitung von: Prof. Lars Harmsen und Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Erschienen: Ende Januar 2019 Continue reading German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten
Turn your 360° photo into a 3D environment
Imverse SA presents LiveMaker, a software to make realistic 3D/VR content starting from an individual photo.
Make photorealistic scenes for your immersive entertainment experience, interactive media, film previz, game or for cultural heritage, digital galleries, education, simulation training, real estate, architecture, virtual renovation design and much more!
Export your project (fbx, obj and more) and continue building and sharing your experience in your favorite game engine, 3D software or web browser.
For more info go to: https://www.imverse.ch/livemaker/
New Videos by Keiichi Matsuda (Hyper-Reality)
Filmmaker Keiichi’s research examines the implications of emerging technologies for human perception and the built environment. He is know for his dystopian short film “Hyper-Reality” Continue reading New Videos by Keiichi Matsuda (Hyper-Reality)
Virtual Reality – How To Design Virtual Spatial System
A workshop by Pablo Dornhege at the Berlin Summer University of the Arts.
The workshop conveys substantial knowledge about virtual reality and how it can be used as a design tool. Continue reading Virtual Reality – How To Design Virtual Spatial System
Augmented Reality wird endlich praxisreif
“Der Einsatz von Datenbrillen beschleunigt Arbeitsprozesse und sorgt für höhere Produktivität.”
Continue reading Augmented Reality wird endlich praxisreif
Der Traum vom Fliegen: Wie Ausstellungsdesign und VR sich perfekt ergänzen
Sabine Danek auf www.page-online.de
Mit der Virtual-Reality-Anwendung Birdly fliegt man wie ein Vogel durch das historische Ulm. Perfekt ergänzt wird das Erlebnis von einer analogen und wunderbar haptischen Schau. Continue reading Der Traum vom Fliegen: Wie Ausstellungsdesign und VR sich perfekt ergänzen
The Top 5 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Apps for Architects
Why Henning Larsen Architects Believe that VR Is “a Gift for the Future of Architecture”
Thomas Musca on ArchDaily.com | Interview with Henning Larsen’s Chief Engineer of Sustainability Jakob Strømann-Andersen. |
http://www.archdaily.com/876881/why-henning-larsen-architects-believe-that-vr-is-a-gift-for-the-future-of-architecture?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ArchDaily%20List Continue reading Why Henning Larsen Architects Believe that VR Is “a Gift for the Future of Architecture”
DLF: Siegeszug der Virtuellen Realität
Maximilian Schönherr on deutschlandfunk.de | german |
http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/siegeszug-der-virtuellen-realitaet-unfassbar-nah.740.de.html?dram:article_id=389762 Continue reading DLF: Siegeszug der Virtuellen Realität
CANVAS 360™ / 360° video post production / After Effects
Software | 360° video editing | http://torusmedialabs.com/ Continue reading CANVAS 360™ / 360° video post production / After Effects
Archäologie 2.0 / Mit Hightech auf Spurensuche
Documentary | Arte | by Susanne Brahms | 2017 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iht8GZncIh0 Continue reading Archäologie 2.0 / Mit Hightech auf Spurensuche
Google Arts & Culture VR
Visit your favourite museums in Street View and read more about the artworks around you via the latest Google Arts & Culture annotations in Google Maps. Continue reading Google Arts & Culture VR
Microsoft reveals holographic display in glasses
Articles at dailymail.com, vrodo.de and guru3d.com Continue reading Microsoft reveals holographic display in glasses
Dell, Nike, Meta Vision and Ultrahaptics Vision for Future of Design
Dell, Nike, Meta and Ultrahaptics push the boundaries on immersive creativity. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noutzo3xT8k Continue reading Dell, Nike, Meta Vision and Ultrahaptics Vision for Future of Design
What is the difference between Augmented and Mixed Reality?
Microsoft Shows AR/VR Concept That Could Revolutionize How We Work
VR Industry Trends / Sketchfab
Sketchfab’s First VR Industry Trends Report | https://blog.sketchfab.com/sketchfabs-first-vr-industry-trends-report/
Continue reading VR Industry Trends / Sketchfab
Microsoft HoloLens: One-year Anniversary
A Microsoft commercial on youtube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPEVtqtKw0A Continue reading Microsoft HoloLens: One-year Anniversary