German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten

Vorveröffentlichung aus dem Magazin: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – Publikation der Fachhochschule Dortmund, FB DESIGN, in Kooperation mit der DASA. Themenschwerpunkt „Crossmedia und die Zukunft der Szenografie“. Unter der Leitung von: Prof. Lars Harmsen und Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Erschienen: Ende Januar 2019 Continue reading German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten

Kremer Collection in a VR museum

The Kremer Museum shows parts of the Kremer Collection in a VR museum designed by architect Johan van Lierop, Founder of Architales and Principal at Studio Libeskind.  The museum features over 70 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Old Master paintings from the Collection and is accessible exclusively through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The App is available on Steam, Viveport and for Oculus (Go & Rift) and Samsung Gear VR.

Virtual Archaeology – Wadi Al Helo

Wadi al Helo, arabic for sweet valley, is located in the eastern area of the Emirate of Sharjah. The valley with its historic village and several watchtowers plays an important role in the history of the Emirate, and as cultural heritage site for the whole United Arab Emirates. As part of ‘Sharjah’s Gateway to Trucial States’ project (SGTS) the site is part of Sharjah’s bid to be included with seven more emirate cultural heritage sites on the prestigious list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Continue reading Virtual Archaeology – Wadi Al Helo