Dennis Rudolph (*1979) is a Berlin based artist. He is the founder and co-chief of the project space STATE OF THE ART BERLIN.
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Tag: augmented reality
New Videos by Keiichi Matsuda (Hyper-Reality)
Filmmaker Keiichi’s research examines the implications of emerging technologies for human perception and the built environment. He is know for his dystopian short film “Hyper-Reality” Continue reading New Videos by Keiichi Matsuda (Hyper-Reality)
Audi: Enter Sandbox
Audi Sandbox is an in-store installation that lets you test-drive the new Audi Q5 in VR on a self-made track made out of sand. Continue reading Audi: Enter Sandbox
Mixed Realities. Virtuelle und reale Welten in der Kunst
Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. 5. Mai – 26. August 2018 Continue reading Mixed Realities. Virtuelle und reale Welten in der Kunst
VRHAM! 2018 – Open Call
VRHAM! ist das erste Virtual Reality & Arts Festival in Deutschland. Künstler*innen aus der ganzen Welt können hier einmal jährlich Virtual Reality-Art präsentieren, kreieren und weiterentwickeln, die mit den Grenzen zwischen Kino, Storytelling, Dokumentation und künstlerischem Schaffen spielt, sie verändert oder sogar aufhebt. Continue reading VRHAM! 2018 – Open Call
Augmented Reality wird endlich praxisreif
“Der Einsatz von Datenbrillen beschleunigt Arbeitsprozesse und sorgt für höhere Produktivität.”
Continue reading Augmented Reality wird endlich praxisreif
GAP tests new virtual dressing room
Liz Nunan, GAP Inc. blogger on Continue reading GAP tests new virtual dressing room
The Top 5 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Apps for Architects
ArtformAR – the augmented reality platform for art museums
“ArtformAR arose out of the frustrations of a shy girl who frequently visits art museums all over the world, only to get lost in them. She also happens to be an augmented reality hacker, so she used computer vision to come up with a solution to help everyone who visits galleries — and even connect them!” Continue reading ArtformAR – the augmented reality platform for art museums
Microsoft reveals holographic display in glasses
Articles at, and Continue reading Microsoft reveals holographic display in glasses
What is the difference between Augmented and Mixed Reality?
VR Industry Trends / Sketchfab
Sketchfab’s First VR Industry Trends Report |
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