Pre-Release from the magazine: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – A publication of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Design College, in Cooperation with DASA. „Crossmedia and the future of Scenography“. Lead by: Prof. Lars Harmsen and Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Released: January 2019 Continue reading English: Parallel Worlds – Virtual Reality in Art and Museum
Tag: gallery
German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten
Vorveröffentlichung aus dem Magazin: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – Publikation der Fachhochschule Dortmund, FB DESIGN, in Kooperation mit der DASA. Themenschwerpunkt „Crossmedia und die Zukunft der Szenografie“. Unter der Leitung von: Prof. Lars Harmsen und Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Erschienen: Ende Januar 2019 Continue reading German: Parallelwelten – Virtual Reality in künstlerischen und musealen Kontexten
Gallery Roehrs & Boetsch announced the inaugural exhibition ‘Virtual Natives – Sculpture’ in its new virtual gallery for virtual art: CUBE. Continue reading CUBE | VIRTUAL NATIVES, sculpture
Kremer Collection in a VR museum
The Kremer Museum shows parts of the Kremer Collection in a VR museum designed by architect Johan van Lierop, Founder of Architales and Principal at Studio Libeskind. The museum features over 70 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Old Master paintings from the Collection and is accessible exclusively through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The App is available on Steam, Viveport and for Oculus (Go & Rift) and Samsung Gear VR.
Article: Is Virtual Reality Art the Real Deal?
More artists are jumping on the VR bandwagon, but does the experience match the hype—or is it inherently “nauseating”?
Read the full article at Continue reading Article: Is Virtual Reality Art the Real Deal?
Artist: Dennis Rudolph
Dennis Rudolph (*1979) is a Berlin based artist. He is the founder and co-chief of the project space STATE OF THE ART BERLIN.
Continue reading Artist: Dennis Rudolph
Two new exhibitions at DiMoDa – The Digital Museum of Digital Art
The Digital Museum of Digital Art (DiMoDA) presents its third full exhibition, New Talismans, curated by DiMoDA and Mind//Body, co-curated with Nhung Walsh for Siggraph Asia 2017.
Continue reading Two new exhibitions at DiMoDa – The Digital Museum of Digital Art