PREMIERE 14th July 2019 @ 48h Neukölln!
FLU-10 / Neukölln Arcaden 1st Floor / Karl-Marx-Str. 66 / 12043 Berlin
Friday 19:00 until Saturday 00:00 / Saturday 13:00 until Sunday 00:00 / Sunday 13:00 until 19:00 /
Continue reading Art: ANIMALIA SUM – I am animals. I eat animals.
Tag: berlin
English: Parallel Worlds – Virtual Reality in Art and Museum
Pre-Release from the magazine: POSTREF PREREF, 2018/2019 – A publication of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Design College, in Cooperation with DASA. „Crossmedia and the future of Scenography“. Lead by: Prof. Lars Harmsen and Dipl. Ing., M.A. Alesa Mustar. Released: January 2019 Continue reading English: Parallel Worlds – Virtual Reality in Art and Museum
Fisheye Magazine’s special issue on virtual reality
The latest special issue of the french magazine Fisheye , is dedicated to virtual reality. 100 pages of immersion into the exuberant worlds of contemporary artists. A complete overview of this futuristic art. Continue reading Fisheye Magazine’s special issue on virtual reality
Virtual Reality – How To Design Virtual Spatial System
A workshop by Pablo Dornhege at the Berlin Summer University of the Arts.
The workshop conveys substantial knowledge about virtual reality and how it can be used as a design tool. Continue reading Virtual Reality – How To Design Virtual Spatial System
Virtual Reality: Zeitreise im Museum
VR in Museen | Juliane Meißner on | german | Continue reading Virtual Reality: Zeitreise im Museum
XV. Conference Culture and Computer Science / Mixed Reality
Conference | HTW Berlin | Bodemusem | 2017 | Conference Culture and Computer Science
Continue reading XV. Conference Culture and Computer Science / Mixed Reality
VSS: Psychedelic experiences and Virtual Reality
Lecture | University of Arts Berlin | 2017 | with Brian Duggan | hosted by Pablo Dornhege
Continue reading VSS: Psychedelic experiences and Virtual Reality